if( isset($_POST['dd']) ) $arr_field['dd']['val']['required'] = ' - please select your county'; if( isset($_POST['cu_zip']) ) $arr_field['cu_zip']['val']['required'] = ' - enter EIR code e.g. DO1 XXXX';
Call us for a free quote on +353818001587
It is vitally important that used sharps, syringes, razor blades and drug paraphernalia are safely and securely discarded in order to safeguard the health and safety of your staff and visitors.
Initial Medical’s unique and durable Safer Sharps Cabinet has been designed for the safe disposal and storage of used sharps and drug related items prior to onward disposal.
If a needle-stick injury occurs, there is a risk of infection from transmittable diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
Following a needle-stick injury, the individual should urgently contact the emergency services. They should also follow the first aid guidance which includes encouraging the wound to bleed and thoroughly washing the wound with water and soap.