if( isset($_POST['dd']) ) $arr_field['dd']['val']['required'] = ' - please select your county'; if( isset($_POST['cu_zip']) ) $arr_field['cu_zip']['val']['required'] = ' - enter EIR code e.g. DO1 XXXX'; Dental Waste Containers | Initial Ireland
dental waste disposal containers

Dental Waste Containers

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Leading industry knowledge of Irish waste legislation and guidance

Dental Waste Containers

It is essential that all waste produced within the Dental Practice is placed into its correct container for disposal. We have a wide range of UN-approved containers specifically designed for each dental waste stream. The mercury vapour suppressant, and quantity present, has been specifically placed inside the unit to protect anyone opening the container from the poisonous effects of the mercury inside. Mercury vapour is colourless, odourless and tasteless so it is not possible to determine the level of exposure., we provide a unique mercury vapour suppressant inside our high-quality, robust containers as standard to reduce your exposure to dangerous mercury vapours to a minimum. This keeps your practice safe and compliant prior to collection by one of Initial’s local technicians. Learn more about our innovative mercury vapour absorbent below.

Ensure that your dental practice meets legislation and mercury exposure limits by contacting us and talking to an Initial expert now.

Initial Medical's Certified Mercury Vapour Suppressant

Mercury Vapour Suppressant

The maximum permitted workplace concentration of Mercury vapours in the air recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is 50 μg/m.

Initial's unique mercury suppressant exceeds the guidelines, keeping your dental practice safe.

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