PIR Water Manager
Infrared water management ensures your urinals only flush when they are in use.
if( isset($_POST['dd']) ) $arr_field['dd']['val']['required'] = ' - please select your county'; if( isset($_POST['cu_zip']) ) $arr_field['cu_zip']['val']['required'] = ' - enter EIR code e.g. DO1 XXXX';
Call us for a free quote on +353818001588
Reducing your water wastage is great for the environment and your utility bills. Initial’s range of water management devices can help you to keep on top of your budget and ecological impact.
High water bills - Unnecessary flushing drives up your water bills.
Excessive environmental impact - Water wastage is a huge issue worsened by unmanaged urinals.
Unpleasant odours are off putting to staff and visitors - Urinals are a problematic odour area if not properly treated.
Poor urinal hygiene - Uric acid build ups pose a health risk to users.